Self-Distinction is a variable that concerns empathy and vicarious experiences. Vicarious experiences in Affect Engineering are modeled using complex math, or imaginary numbers. Like the Appraisal variable, the Self-Distinction variable is a coefficient alongside Existence in the base of the equation. Moreover, Self-Distinction is also restricted to being equal to either positive one (+1) or negative one (-1).
Where “Self-Distinction” equals positive one (+1), the appraised value judgment of the entity corresponds to the fulfillment of a purpose belonging to the self. Only real numbers are used in these coordinates.
y = Appraised Value Judgment = ( √1 ) × Appraisal × Existence × ( Sufficiency × Uniqueness × Sentiment + 1 )
In contrast, where “Self-Distinction” equals negative one (-1), the appraised value judgment of the entity is a vicarious one that corresponds to the fulfillment of a purpose belonging to an other. Hence, the self imagines itself as an other valuing the entity for a purpose harbored by the other. The candidate conduit that would facilitate these instances of vicarious experience, is the mirror neuron. Vicarious valuations would be distinguished by i (the square root of negative one) in a complex plane. In Affect Engineering, all of the emotions that are concerned with empathy (e.g., Category II and Category III Emotions) involve vicarious valuations in some manner.
y = Appraised Value Judgment = ( √-1 ) × Appraisal × Existence × ( Sufficiency × Uniqueness × Sentiment + 1 ), or
y = i × Appraisal × Existence × ( Sufficiency × Uniqueness × Sentiment + 1 )