The Publishing Endgame

The plan of attack has shifted.  After some careful consideration (lots of it), I am looking into self-publishing the project (i.e., creating a publishing company, buying ISBN’s, and all the other hard work that goes into publishing).

Basically, I took a step back, gave the manuscript a cold, hard looking over, and realized the nature of the subject is a bit more academic than I consider it to be, irrespective of my writing style, or quite possibly anyone’s.  Perhaps it is fitting, I like to have my hand in everything anyway.

The last of the major editing came to a close yesterday, and the front matter is nearly done.  Clearing permissions (should take anywhere from a few days to three months) will be the next hurdle before it comes to life.  The last thing I want is to step on another publisher’s toes or copyright.  If all goes according to plan,  it will be available in hardcover, softcover, and ebook format.


Checkity-Check Check Check!

Changed citations to end notes (Check)

Formatted figures to margins (Check)

Added page numbers to documents (Check)

Added headlines to pages (Check)

Fully justified captions (Check)

Book Cover (Check!?!)

That last one was not even on my to do list… granted, it’s not measured to the final dimensions of the book yet, but it came together much better than I could have hoped for.  It’s always nice to surprise one’s self.   Here’s a hint as to what is in it… the cover art was inspired by a Jules Renard quote.

My next step, before I post a draft of the book cover to the website, will be to secure an ISBN# (or ten), as making the cover forced me to go in a specific direction for a book title.   Time to whittle down those extra words, while keeping the fun ones.