Formatting and Possible Chapter Sample to Come

I’m 1/3 of the way through formatting, making sure the margins are adequate, pages numbered correctly, captions, running headers, headings, subheadings, spacing, font sizes, and figures are all uniform and correct.  I’m also in the midst of changing my citations from APA style (easier for me to keep track of stuff) to endnotes (looks less cluttered for the reader).

A possible chapter sample (would be chapter five) to come in a month or two most likely.  Depends on how elegantly and efficiently I can cut down the size of the manuscript; it’s some 120,000 words with 360 figures presently.  A lot of articles, prepositions, and adjectives are headed for the guillotine.

Things to Do While Waiting

First panel drawn, only 9999 to go, haha! As you may have noticed, I favor pencil, charcoal and monochromatic shading, but I might throw in some color every once in a while just to mix things up, even if only to pretend its a syndicated strip in a major newspaper.  I am much further along on the poetry than the illustrating of this side project, if anyone was wondering where the squeaky wheel was.

Oscar the Bard, Necromors, Wild the Muse: Panel 00001


Where Patience is Seldom a Virtue, Virtue is Often a Patient

No major updates yet, other than that I am still playing the waiting game, which is much better than being out of it altogether.  In the meantime, one might as well dance while trying to make it past the literary gatekeepers.  That means choreography!

It should be a welcome break from staring at a computer screen and will help avoid diminishing returns on my critical thinking.